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Top qualifications for EU Commission vacancies: What you need to know

Working for the European Commission can be a rewarding and challenging experience. As the executive branch of the European Union, the Commission is responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, and managing the day-to-day business of the EU. If you’re interested in pursuing a career with the EU Commission, it’s important to understand the qualifications and experience that are typically required for vacant roles. In this article, we’ll explore the top qualifications for EU Commission vacancies and what you need to know to be a competitive candidate.

Educational Qualifications

Many positions within the EU Commission require a strong educational background. A university degree is often a minimum requirement, and in some cases, a postgraduate qualification may be preferred. The specific field of study can vary depending on the role, but degrees in economics, law, political science, international relations, or public administration are often relevant. Language skills are also highly valued, particularly in English, French, or German, which are the working languages of the EU.

Professional Experience

In addition to educational qualifications, relevant professional experience is essential for many positions within the EU Commission. This may include work experience in government, international organizations, non-profit organizations, or the private sector. Experience in project management, policy analysis, legal affairs, public relations, or communications can all be valuable, depending on the specific requirements of the role.

Knowledge of EU Institutions and Policies

Given the nature of the EU Commission’s work, a strong understanding of EU institutions, policies, and decision-making processes is often critical. Candidates should be familiar with the structure and functions of the EU, as well as its key policies and priorities. This may involve knowledge of areas such as trade, competition, agriculture, environment, or regional development, depending on the specific area of work within the Commission.

Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Effective communication and interpersonal skills are highly valued within the EU Commission. Candidates should be able to communicate confidently and persuasively, both verbally and in writing. The ability to work effectively in a multicultural and multilingual environment is also important, as the Commission is a diverse and international workplace. Strong teamwork, negotiation, and networking skills are often sought after as well.


Overall, the top qualifications for EU Commission vacancies reflect the complexity and diversity of the Commission’s work. A combination of strong educational qualifications, relevant professional experience, knowledge of EU institutions and policies, and strong communication and interpersonal skills are typically sought after in candidates. By understanding these qualifications and working to develop and demonstrate these competencies, aspiring EU Commission employees can position themselves as strong candidates for vacant roles within the Commission.