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Exploring the Top European Commission Vacancies and Opportunities

The European Commission is the executive branch of the European Union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, and upholding the EU treaties. The Commission also represents the EU in international negotiations and enforces competition rules. As one of the largest international organizations in the world, the European Commission offers a wide range of vacancies and opportunities for individuals looking to work in the field of international relations, policy-making, and law.

Top European Commission Vacancies

The European Commission regularly advertises vacancies for a variety of roles, including policy analysts, legal experts, economists, and communications professionals. Some of the top vacancies at the European Commission include:

  • Policy Advisor: Working closely with EU institutions and other stakeholders, policy advisors provide analysis and advice on a wide range of policy areas, including trade, environment, and social affairs.
  • Legal Counsel: Legal counsels provide legal advice and support on EU law, including reviewing and drafting legislation, representing the EU in court cases, and advising on international negotiations.
  • Economist: Economists at the European Commission analyze economic data and provide policy recommendations on areas such as monetary policy, fiscal policy, and trade.
  • Communications Officer: Communications officers are responsible for developing and implementing communication strategies to promote EU policies and initiatives to a wide audience, including the media and general public.

Opportunities at the European Commission

In addition to traditional vacancies, the European Commission also offers a range of opportunities for individuals looking to gain experience in the field of international relations and policy-making. These opportunities include:

  • Internships: The European Commission offers paid internships for recent graduates and young professionals looking to gain practical experience in EU institutions and policy-making.
  • Traineeships: The European Commission’s traineeship program provides an opportunity for individuals to work in EU institutions and gain experience in a specific policy area, such as competition law or environmental policy.
  • Research Grants: The European Commission offers research grants for academics and researchers looking to conduct studies on EU policies and initiatives.
  • Secondment Opportunities: The European Commission also offers secondment opportunities for individuals to work in EU institutions on a temporary basis, while maintaining their employment with their current organization.


The European Commission offers a wide range of vacancies and opportunities for individuals looking to work in the field of international relations, policy-making, and law. Whether you are a recent graduate looking for an internship, an experienced professional looking for a new career opportunity, or an academic looking to conduct research on EU policies, the European Commission has something to offer. Exploring the top vacancies and opportunities at the European Commission can open doors to a rewarding career in the field of international affairs and EU governance.