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Top EPSO Job Vacancies in 2021: Opportunities in the European Union

The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is the official recruitment agency of the European Union (EU), responsible for selecting staff to work for the EU institutions and agencies. Each year, EPSO offers a range of job opportunities for qualified candidates in various fields. In 2021, there are several top EPSO job vacancies that you can consider applying for to kickstart your career in the EU.

1. Administrator (AD) roles

Administrator roles are open to candidates with a university degree in any field. These roles are perfect for candidates with strong organizational and analytical skills. As an Administrator, you will be responsible for assisting with the day-to-day operations of an EU institution or agency.

2. Assistant roles

Assistant roles are open to candidates with a secondary education diploma. These roles are ideal for candidates with excellent communication and teamwork skills. As an Assistant, you will provide support to senior staff members and help with administrative tasks.

3. Legal advisor roles

Legal advisor roles are open to candidates with a law degree and relevant work experience. These roles are perfect for candidates with a strong understanding of European law and regulations. As a Legal advisor, you will provide legal advice and support to EU institutions and agencies.

4. Communication specialist roles

Communication specialist roles are open to candidates with a degree in communication, marketing, or a related field. These roles are ideal for candidates with excellent writing and social media skills. As a Communication specialist, you will be responsible for developing and implementing communication strategies for EU institutions and agencies.

5. IT specialist roles

IT specialist roles are open to candidates with a degree in computer science or a related field. These roles are perfect for candidates with strong technical skills and experience in IT support. As an IT specialist, you will be responsible for managing and maintaining IT systems for EU institutions and agencies.


Overall, there are many exciting job opportunities available through EPSO in 2021. Whether you are looking for a career in administration, law, communication, or IT, there is a role for you within the EU institutions and agencies. By applying for top EPSO job vacancies, you can take the first step towards a rewarding career in the European Union.